June 2018
Equality is progressing in the National Assembly of France! Not only is the proportion of women increasing, but many parliamentarians are themselves becoming active relays in the citizen movement for equal recognition and participation of women in all sectors of society! Joining the pioneers who have been with the movement since its inception, some male and female parliamentarians have committed themselves to #JamaisSansElles (“Never Without Her”) by adopting a simple but highly efficient code of conduct:
“Never hold or participate in conferences or round tables with more than two or three speakers that do not include at least one female speaker.”
We are happy to count on their feminist and humanist commitment through the concrete actions they carry out in the discharge of their mandates.
Special thanks to Coralie Dubost, #JamaisSansElles ambassadress to the Members of Parliament.
Coralie Dubost, LREM MP for Hérault (3rd district), 1st VP of the LREM parliamentary group, in charge of relations with the government.
Guillaume Vuilletet, LREM MP for Val d’Oise (2nd district), Secretary of the National Assembly.
Laure de la Raudière, Agir La Droite constructive MP, Eure-et-Loir (3rd district).
Yves Jégo, UDI MP for Seine-et-Marne (3rd district), VP of the National Assembly, elected representative for Montereau, first VP of the UDI
Stéphanie Kerbarh, LREM MP for Seine-Maritime (9th district), Committee on Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning.
Pierre Cabaré, LREM MP for Haute Garonne (1st district), VP of the delegation for women’s rights and equal opportunities between men and women, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Denis Masséglia, LREM MP for Maine-et-Loire (5th district), Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Committee, VP France-USA.
Laurianne Rossi, LREM MP for Hauts-de-Seine (11th district).
Valérie Oppelt, LREM MP for Loire-Atlantique (2nd district).
Philippe Chalumeau, LREM MP for Indre-et-Loire (1st distrcit), president of the France-Syria study group.
Emilie Guerel, LREM MP for Var (7th district). Rapporteur for the fact-finding mission on the Universal National Service.
Fabienne Colboc, LREM MP for Indre-et-Loire (4th district), Cultural Affairs and Education Committee, in charge of text on fight against misinformation.
Patrick Mignola, MoDem MP for Savoie (4th district), regional councillor Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
Isabelle Florennes, MoDem MP for Hauts-de-Seine (4th district)
Élodie Jacquier-Laforge, MoDem MP for Isère (9th district), VP of Groupe MoDem, Whip of the Law Commission.
Albane Gaillot, LREM MP for Val De Marne, (11th district).
Audrey Dufeu-Schubert, LREM MP for Loire-Atlantique (8th district).
Brigitte Bourguignon, LREM MP for Pas-de-Calais (6th district), president of the Social Affairs Committee, president of the Haut Conseil du Travail Social (HCTS).
Ludovic Mendes, LREM MP for Moselle (2nd district), Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Whip for European Affairs, Chair GE Déchets (Waste), GE rénovation des quartiers (Neighbourhoods Renovation).
Olivia Gregoire, LREM MP for Paris (12th district), member of the Finance Committee, spokesperson for LREM group in the National Assembly.
Delphine O, LREM MP for Paris (16th district), Rapporteur working group ReformeAN, Middle East Specialist.
Paula Forteza, LREM MP (2nd district), for French citizens living abroad.
Bérangère Abba, LREM MP for Haute-Marne (1st district), Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning Committee.
Mireille Clapot, LREM MP for Drôme (1st district), VP of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
Danielle Brulebois, LREM MP for Jura (1st district), Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning Committee, Secretary of the National Assembly
Didier Baichere, LREM MP for Yvelines (1st district), Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces Committee
Erwan Balanant, MoDem MP for Finistère (8th district), Law Commissioner, member of the Gender Equality Delegation.
Matthieu Orphelin, LREM MP for Maine-et-Loire (1st district), Sustainable Development, Public Works and Regional Planning Committee.
Bruno Fuchs, MoDem MP for Haut-Rhin (6th district), VP of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie.
Sarah El Hairy, MoDem MP for Loire Atlantique (5th district), MoDem spokesperson.
Michel Zumkeller, UDI MP for Territoire de Belfort (2nd district), UDI Secretary General.
Michèle Peyron, LREM MP for Seine-et-Marne (9th district), Social Affairs Committee
Bérangère Couillard, LREM MP for Gironde (7th district), Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Regional Planning, member of the Delegation for Women’s Rights.
Marion Lenne, LREM MP for Haute Savoie (5th district), Foreign Affairs Committee, president of the Franco-Suisse Friendship Group.
Guillaume Gouffier-Cha, LREM MP for Val-de-Marne (6th district), National Defence and Armed Forces Committee.
Natalia Pouzyreff, LREM MP for Yvelines (6th district), National Defence and Armed Forces Committee.
Vincent Ledoux, AGIR du Nord MP (10th district), Finance Committee, elected representative of the European Metropolis of Lille
Antoine Herth, AGIR MP for Bas-Rhin (5th district), Economic Affairs Committee
Aurore Bergé, LREM MP for Yvelines (10th district), liberal, feminist, European, spokesperson of the LREM group in the National Assembly, Culture and Education Committee.
Monique Iborra, LREM MP for Haute-Garonne (6th district), VP of the Social Affairs Committee.
Tokia Saïfi, AGIR-La Droite constructive MEP, European People’s Party group (Christian Democrats), 1st VP International Trade Committee, member of the AFET (Committee on Foreign Affairs).
Dominique David, LREM MP for Gironde (1st district), Finance Committee.
Alexandre Holroyd, LREM MP for French citizen living in Northern Europe, Finance & European Affairs Committee, President of GA France-UK, Secretary of the Brexit Mission.
Olivier Véran, LREM MP for Isère (1st district), General Rapporteur of the Social Affairs Committee, Regional Councillor
Céline Calvez, LREM MP for Hauts-de-Seine (5th district), Member of the Committee on Cultural Affairs and Education, Women’s Rights Delegation.
Benjamin Griveaux, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister – Spokesman of the Government, LREM MP (3rd and 10th districts Paris)
Provendier Florence, LREM MP for Hauts-de-Seine, Member of the Committee on Cultural Affairs and Education
Mickael Nogal , LREM MP for Haute Garonne (4th District), Vice-President of the Economic Affairs Committee
Olivier Damaisin, LREM MP for Lot et Garonne (3rd district), Member of the Finance Committee, Special Rapporteur on Pensions / Retreats, National Alliance-Centrist Secretary
Alexandre Freschi, LREM MP for Lot-et-Garonne (2nd district) Member of the Cultural Affairs and Education Committee
Thomas MESNIER, LREM MP for Charente – Member of the Social Affairs Committee
Samantha Cazebonne , LREM MP for French living abroad, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Are you a Member of Parliament? You can do the same: Do not leave out half of humanity. Join the citizen movement! Take on the #JamaisSansElles commitment for each of your actions and all of your events!
To sign this pledge, post a commitment tweet with the hashtag #JamaisSansElles, or a comment, in this post with your name, the name of your constituency and your Twitter account information. Thank you
?? Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen, click here to get to the commitment tweet: