The Ministry of the Economy and Finance joins forces with #JamaisSansElles

Paris, 8 March 2021

Press release


Signature of the #JamaisSansElles Charter and of the Convention Partnership with the association #JamaisSansElles.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Bruno Le Maire (Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery), Tatiana F. Salomon and Xavier Alberti (co-Presidents of the association #JamaisSansElles) signed today the #JamaisSansElles charter and the Convention Partnership.

This approach is in line with the measures in favor of equality between women and men as formalized in the third departmental plan Male-Female Equality signed in 2020.

The Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery and its principal representatives undertake to no longer participate in any public events or media events (face to face or remote) when there are no women present among the speakers. This commitment requires that when ministry representatives speak at events with at least three speakers, there must be at least one woman included among them. This commitment applies to the ministry and to all external events in which the ministry participates.

#JamaisSansElles shall draw upon its own networks in the economic and associative worlds to expand the pool of female speakers in the ministry. The association may also grant the #JamaisSansElles label to events organized or hosted by the ministry.

Common actions will focus on gender diversity in industry, the fight against gender stereotypes, entrepreneurship and shared governance.

As part of this partnership, the ministry reaffirms its commitments and is putting in place appropriate measures to ensure a fair balance of female and male appointments to management positions, in order to ensure equal opportunities and the recognition of all women and men’s skills.

Bruno Le Maire said: « I hope this partnership allows us to advance gender equality in the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (Bercy) and, more broadly, in the economy, by making women even more visible. Thanks to their talent, their professional experience and their skills. »

Press contact:
Bruno Le Maire’s office: 01 53 18 41 13

Press release available on

Read the #JamaisSansElles charter of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery

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